Your mind is your best friend...and it can also be your worst enemy.

Welcome to Positive Intelligenceā„¢ - A radical approach to mental fitness.

If you've ever felt hindered by the Curse of Perfectionism,Ā Imposter Syndrome, or People Pleasing, you are not alone. If you've ever felt shy of achieving your peak performance at work the ailments listed above could be exactly what is standing in your way. Have you ever sat in a meeting, gripped by the fear that others will uncover your shortcomings, unsure of how to proceed? There's hope for a better way!

If any of these situations resonate with you, and you've pondered how to attain the clarity and composure exhibited by others, consider exploring the Positive Intelligence Experience. This program offers tailored solutions for you to experience quick wins and sustainable habits. PQ has demonstrated its ability to transform the lives of individuals who once struggled with these very limitations, leading to enhanced performance, well-being, and stronger relationships.

Positive Intelligence (PQ)ā„¢ is a groundbreaking tool designed to fortify the region of your brain that supports and silences the part responsible for self-sabotage. Experience an immediate, empowering transformation, enabling you to approach life's challenges with a heightened positive mindset and reduced stress.

In a matter of weeks, mental fitness training elevates participants with measurable, inspiring, self-perpetuating results.Ā 

"Mental strength is built through challenges and adversity.Ā You canā€™t control when theyā€™ll happen, but you can controlĀ how you respond."

Predicted Outcomes

The Positive Intelligence experience is different for everyone, yet those who truly invest in building their mental fitness, report:

  • A refreshed, renewed perspective.
  • Shedding decades of self-doubt.
  • Heightened awareness over what they can and cannot control and how to take action over what they can control.
  • "Years of therapy condensed into a matter of weeks!"
  • Being less hard on themselves and more empathetic/understanding of others.
  • Feeling calmer, less frustrated, handling stress better, and experiencing genuine happiness.
  • A newfound ability to transform obstacles into opportunities and see things you've always seen, yet in a completely different and growth-oriented way.

Discover your personalized PQā„¢ Score & Your Top Saboteurs

Time Commitment - 8 Weeks

  • Weekly DIY: One-hour video session (watch on your own time while on the treadmill, folding laundry, etc.)
  • Daily DIY: 15-minutes which can be broken into smaller intervals, spent "flexing" your PQ muscle.
  • Weekly LIVE: Pod meetings to discuss findings, drive progress, overcome struggles, experience transformation, and receive support from your pod-mates as well as your PQ coach.

What You Receive

  • An app that seamlessly hosts all content
  • An audio and e-version of the book, Positive Intelligence
  • Video content
  • PQ Gym Sessions
  • Engagement with your pod
  • Wisdom and insight applicable to personal and professional situations
  • Live Session Support from your PQ Coach, Jamie

Inquire within to explore 2024 options to host a private group.Ā 

Message us here.