Media Highlights
Hear the latest tips on building confidence at work...especially if you're a woman in a technical industry.
The Kathie J Show | Empowering Women
If you are feeling stuck in a job that you don’t want, but are too intimidated to go after what you really want, this show is for you!
Best-selling author, Jamie McKinney shares her story of rising to the top in male-dominated industries as well as some tips on how to gain more confidence.
Leadership coach hopes to close the gender confidence gap
The Confidence Gap is a hot topic. Watch the feature story as showcased on The Denver Channel on ABC. Help spread the word...and more importantly the solution!
Podcasts and Articles:
Dial in your ETA and beware of common confidence destroyers!
Start the new year off right by tuning into this episode of The Leadership Habit podcast! Join host Jenn DeWall, MBA, ACC and best-selling author Jamie Dandar McKinney for a discussion about finding confidence and success in 2024!
Season 5 Episode 7:
Join us for a fun and informative conversation on how to build your mental fitness. Hear insights on Positive Intelligence (enrollment now open for the training experience). Receive tips to instantly shift your mindset to a place of positivity.
Episode 94:
❓Do you know the meaning and importance of executive presence?
🎙️If you find yourself answering 'No', then treat yourself to #eapodcast, E: 094 to learn about executive presence, why it's important, and how to develop your own.

Episode: The Most Powerful Word In Your Language
Transform your day, shape your life! Discover the incredible impact that ONE single word can have to unlock limitless possibilities in your life.
Episode 54: The Gifts & Opportunity of Being Different
The Shenanigans, survival tips, learning to thrive and work with people who were nothing like me. It's all here inside this juicy episode with charismatic host, Micki Woods!

📢Learn from my mistakes of not eliciting feedback. There's a much better way and three specific questions you can use right now to gather effective feedback in advance of destructive criticism.

In honor of International Women's Day, please enjoy this episode of Design of Communication. We share insider secrets about how to build your #confidence and rise above with challenges- especially in #technical industries.
You’re going to love this one!
Commencement Speaker
Graduation 2020 was certainly unique! Per COVID19 restrictions, the ceremony took a creative twist. Graduates and their families gathered at the Sundance Kid Drive-In Movie Theater to watch a graduation video compilation on the big screen.
From Mary Werner, St. Ursula Academy President:
“Thank you to Jamie Dandar McKinney for an inspiring and hope-filled virtual commencement address to St. Ursula Academy's Class of 2020. Her message of the power of confidence is timeless and was delivered with sincerity and candor. It is a message that these young women can take with them as they move on through life. Jamie's own background and experience support her message as well. She walks her talk.”
Watch the Speech
Voyage Denver Magazine
Starting a business is no small task. Starting a business during a global pandemic...yeah, that made it interesting too. Thankfully, though my message has been resonating and I've been very blessed to work amazing clients, both on the for-profit and non-profit sides.
I have a big interview today and listened to the podcast yesterday. It was a confidence booster. I feel great. New suit, research done, and I am ready!

Jeannette J.