Empowering women to ditch doubts, speak up, and achieve the careers they deserve and desire
Website Scavenger Hunt!
When was the last time you went on a Scavenger Hunt?!? Join in the fun! Hidden in this website are THREE Ruth Bader Ginsburg graphics just as you see on the right.
Find all three and be entered to win FREE ACCESS to Speak Up to Level UP, an online course valued at $497!
Search around the website and when you find all three, send an email here, either with screenshots or page links and location (Top, middle, bottom). Happy hunting!

If Confidence were a Currency, would you be satisfied with your balance?
The Currency of Confidence works similarly to your bank account. It has your name on it, and only you know the password. It’s solely up to you to make decisions on how to grow it, how to invest it and how to spend your balance. Being a woman in the business world, it’s essential to understand that prioritization of your confidence portfolio is the best investment you can make. You can’t afford to neglect the importance of personal growth, because it sets a strong foundation for everything else in your life!
Sometimes, though, certain situations or people make us feel as if an unauthorized withdrawal has occurred. Intimidation or self-doubt causing a drop in our account balance...A true breach of personal security! If you’ve ever lost confidence, it’s upsetting, frustrating and quite honestly, prohibitive to success at work. Thankfully, there are excellent security measures that can be put in place to ever prevent such a breach again! Just like you wouldn’t hand over your Venmo password to someone and say, “Here, take all you want!”, YOU retain the power to control and grow your confidence balance.
Individuals (and entire organizations) who learn how to CASH IN ON CONFIDENCE realize life-changing benefits. Building self-confidence in business will give you noticeable differences such as (1) Workplace performance improves, (2) Creativity and innovation flourish, (3) Diversity is applauded and (4) Morale skyrockets! The biggest return you’ll ever earn is your investment in yourself. Building a concrete foundation of confidence in business communication ensures true wealth, allowing for limitless growth of your account…and that is empowering!
Increase My Balance!
Molly P.
Supply Chain Director
“I learned ‘The Confidence Channeling Technique’ from Jamie and used it right before a big meeting. Thrilled to say I crushed the meeting and got the promotion!”
Heather H.
Franchise Owner
"I had no idea how intertwined confidence and performance are! The virtuous cycle of the two are a powerful force, even a revenue-generator."
Karyn Ruth White
Professional Comedian and Speaker
"I got so enthralled watching a video of Jamie that I forgot my teapot was on the stove and almost burnt down the house!
Susan D.
Special Education Teacher
"Prior to working with Jamie, I would have just kept complaining about things at work. Now, I lead with confidence and it’s changed everything. Higher-ups talk to me and I’m getting recognition!"
Victoria V.
Senior VP Operations
"My inbox was blowing up before Jamie even finished her presenation. Our women's group loved her. We're having her back this summer!
Sarah B.
Senior Financial Analyst
"I'm empowered. I'm motivated. I have new tools that I'm using daily. I'm so excited to continuously deliver my newfound Executive Presence!"
Curious to find out what the most confident version of you can do?
Whether it's public speaking, taking things less personally and more powerfully, making strong decisions and not second-guessing, or managing your career path with GRIT, I've got your back. I know the formula you need and I'm ready to share it.
What's Possible?VIP Clients

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