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3 Strategies to Receive Better Feedback

May 28, 2024

Tell me if this sounds familiar... You are motivated to uplevel your skills. You have exhausted available resources. You ask for feedback...and you receive something like this...

>> You did great.

>> I thought it was fine.

>> I wouldn't change a thing.

Hmmm...You're not merely looking for the easy "A," or a pat on the back. So how do you elicit substantial feedback? The kind you can act on so you can do something different or better next time...

The answer is simple, my friend...You ask for it!

Use the following tips to tweak how you are asking for feedback. Notice an actionable difference!

1. Get Specific. To receive useful feedback, it's crucial to hone in on one or two specific aspects you’d like to improve. For example, if you're interested in elevating public speaking skills, you might request feedback asking how you did during the part when you explained technical details. Were you clear? Did you engage the audience? Can the person offering you feedback explain back what you shared? By pinpointing an exact area you want to improve, and asking detailed questions, you make it easier for someone to provide targeted feedback...the kind you can actually use.

2. Ask in Advance. That's key...ahead of time. Before your next event, ask someone you respect/admire to observe and take notes. Explain that you’re seeking specific feedback on an area you want to improve. A proactive approach ensures the feedback is thoughtful and relevant. For example, if you're preparing for a presentation, you might say, "I'm working on engaging my audience more effectively. Could you note what works well and what I could improve upon for next time?"

3. Reframe Your Request. How you frame your request significantly impacts its quality. Instead of placing yourself as the subject, i.e., "Could I get your feedback?" Reframe the other person as the subject, "If YOU were ME, what would YOU do differently or better?" This question helps people feel more comfortable and reduces the pressure of giving direct criticism. It invites more honest and practical advice, resulting in richer, actionable feedback you can implement immediately.

Transform vague comments into constructive feedback when you use these three tips. Set yourself up for success, take action, and feel your performance improve!

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